The Global Filter determines what data is is on view across every EHS-Dashboard™ report. However, there may be certain reports that you wish to remain in view regardless of the date settings in the Global Filter. 

The "Primary Date" field setting is assigned in the Custom Form Builder for each report and determines when that report would show up based on the date range you have selected in the Global Filter. By setting a custom form to "Dateless" you can still record a primary date but that form will always be included in reporting regardless of Global Filter settings.

Here is how to remove a Report from Date Scoping: 

1. Click on the company icon in the top right corner of the menu bar:

2. Click "Custom Forms" from the Admin menu:

3. Locate the Report form that you would like to remove from Date Scoping in the table and click the pen icon under "Edit":

4. Click "Settings":

5. In the form Editor, toggle "Disable Primary Date" to on:

6. Click "Save" followed by "Save & Exit" at the bottom of the form. 

**NOTE: Only "Report" type forms are eligible for dateless reporting. Calendar Items and Corrective Actions cannot have Primary Date functionality disabled.