The EHS-Dashboard™ enables users to track purchase, use, and waste data for materials used by your facility. The first step in setting up a Chemtrack program is to add all materials that will be used on-site to the Sources Index of your EHS-Dashboard™.
The Source record includes all necessary information about a material to perform necessary calculations to track emissions, waste, and constituent use, and is referenced when on-going usage data is added to the system.
To add a new source follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Admin Page by clicking on your company name in the upper right hand corner:
2. Select "Sources" under the "Manage Data Sources" section:
3. From here we can modify an existing source or create a new one
- To edit an existing source, click "Edit" in the corresponding table row. Once in the source form, update the source information as necessary and be sure to click "Save" before exiting:
- To create a new source, click "Add new Source" located in the Table Header. Complete the form and make sure to click "Save" before exiting:
The fields available on a Material record form are as follows (* indicates field is Required. A blank example of a Material Record is below):
- *Facility: Select one or more facilities where the Material is purchased/used
- *Part Number: Unique identifier for the Material
- Sometimes a facility might have many Part Numbers for the same Material. If this is the case, users can alias Part Numbers to a primary Part Number and all usage inputs will reference the same information for calculations. Learn more about that by reading the Part Number Alias documentation here.
- Name: Common reference name for the Material (can be the same as Part Number)
- Purchase Unit of Measure: The unit of purchase or expected usage input (Gallons, Lbs, Boxes, Each, etc.)
- *Conversion: Only required if "Purchase Unit of Measure" is a unit or format that the system does not recognize. Providing a Conversion enables the system to convert an input unit like "boxes" to a standard unit of measure. Example:
- If Purchase Unit of Measure = Case
- Conversion:
- Volume/weight per qty purchased = 2
- Select a Unit of Measure = Gallons
- Density: Density from SDS
- Specific Gravity: Specific Gravity from SDS
Every Material must have at least one ingredient, even if it is 100% of the Material.
- Name: Name of constituent
- *CAS Number: CAS Number of constituent
- *Concentration %: Requirement to have Low/High OR Actual in order to complete calculations. Can input both to satisfy different reporting requirements.
- Low -> High: Ingredient concentration range from SDS
- Actual: Actual concentration from SDS
- Chemical Group: Chemical classification i.e., VOC, HAP, RTAP, etc.
Example of a (blank) Material Record: