1. Log into the EHS Dashboard and click on the white company icon in the top right corner of the menu bar...

2. While on the Admin Menu page, click "facility requirements" 

*Note: this is toward the bottom of the admin page.

3. Select which facility you are editing. 

4. Once you have selected a facility, use the drop down menu and click on the content in the “Applicable” column to set each line item as “Applicable” or “Not Applicable” to your facility. You can also use the search bar or click on the column headers to organize what you are seeing on the page.

*Note: Some items when marked “Applicable” will make an “Action Required” button appear. Clicking the button will take you to a pre-populated Action Item form associated with the Requirement. Assign a responsible party and a due date, then click save. This action will be added to your calendar.


5. Once you have set Applicability for each item on the list, you are finished setting up your Regulatory Matrix! There is no need to click save, you can navigate away from the page.

All Requirements marked “Applicable” can now be viewed and managed in the Requirements Table. 

(Click “Compliance” in the top navigation tabs and then view the  “Requirements” on the left.)

*Note: You are not limited to the Requirements pre-populated in the Regulatory Matrix. Click the “Add Requirement” button at the top of the panel to add custom requirements for your facility.