It is possible to add calculations to custom forms. Calculations can be used to score Inspection forms or more complex data driven strategic analyses. Here is how to create calculated form fields: 

1. Click on the company icon in the top right corner of the menu bar

2. Select "Custom Forms" from the Admin menu:

3. Use "Search" or scroll through your list of custom forms to locate the specific form that will have a calculation:

(NOTE: Make sure that you Configure your form with all of the necessary fields before applying a calculation.)

Then click "Edit" on the right side of the row for the specific form that will have a calculation 

4. Click the "pencil" button on the right side of the specific field that will have calculations to edit this field - In this example we are editing the "Severity" field

5. Click the "Calculatable" toggle button to On - It will turn Green when it is enabled:

6. Give the field a "Variable Name" (No Spaces)

7. Use the "Remove Option" and "Add Option" buttons on the bottom left to add as many values as necessary.  Make sure to provide a "Value" on the right for each of your answer options

8. Once you have set up all field variables, click the "Add New Field" menu in the bottom right corner, (You may need to scroll down) and select the "Calculation" option from the menu that appears:

9. Finally, using the variables you created above, you can now build the calculation using any of the following operators:
* = multiply
/ = divide
+ = addition
- = subtraction
() = parenthesis

*Note, it is possible to create nested calculations within a single form.  For example, the result of Calculation A can become a variable used in Calculation B later on in the form.  

Calculation results render on a saved form as a non editable field as shown below:

Congratulations!  You have now created a Custom Form with Calculated Fields!