When creating a custom form, you must have certain "Field Roles" assigned. When creating a brand new form, these field roles are auto-assigned, but you can change assignments by using the "Field Role" dropdown menu in the editor of each individual field: 

Different Field Roles are defined as follows:

1. "Facility"  - Facility will automatically populate all facilities/departments configured to your company. A form must have a Facility select menu and this field is automatically seeded when a new form is created. You can change the field title, but make sure the role is set "Facility" and the field type must be a select menu.

2. "Requirement"  - Requirement will automatically populate all Regulatory Requirements from the Regulatory Matrix. This enables you to link a report or calendar item to a Regulatory Compliance item. A Requirement field is automatically seeded when a new form is created. You can change the field title, but make sure the role is set "Requirement" and the field type must be a select menu. 

3. "Name" - The Name field role will act as the primary identifier field of the form.  This field should be populated with the FORM NAME (i.e. - Hazardous Waste Inspection [DATE]), and does not necessarily correspond to a person's name (unless that is how you want to identify the form). The field type must be a text field.

4. "Responsible Party - Contact Name" - The Responsible Party field will be used to identify the responsible person for the Calendar Item or Report. This field must be a text field or select menu. 

5. "Responsible Party - Email Address" - The Responsible Party - Email Address field will trigger an email to whatever email address (or addresses) are entered into the field when the record is saved. This field must be a text field or select menu and a valid email must be entered. If there are multiple email addresses, they must be separated by a semi-colon ( ; ). 

6. "Primary Date" - Primary date will be used as the primary date in the database. For Calendar Items the Primary Date will drive when an Calendar Item becomes "overdue".  A Calendar Item will be overdue once an item has a status of anything other than "Closed" beyond the specified date (see additional information on Status below). Past due functionality includes flagging the item as past due, and sending any escalation emails as configured by the user. This field must be a date picker field type.

7. "Status" -  The Status field role operates as the current status of a record. Default options include Open, In Progress, and Closed, but a user can configure as many different status settings as they wish. Status also relates to the "Primary Date" field role in Calendar Items. This field must be a select menu and must include a status option of "Closed" to maintain full functionality.