The EHS-Dashboard™ ChemTrack system is intended to calculate total pounds of Material and Constituent use. This information is used in Air Permit tracking and for a number of regulatory reporting requirements. In order to convert chemical usage (or waste) records to pounds, the system requires complete information on the Material's source record. The fields that are required depend on the "purchase unit of measure" or, the unit used when a usage (or waste) record is added to the system. 

After adding a chemical usage record, you can double check that all expected outputs were calculated successfully by navigating to the "Usage Inputs" view of ChemTrack. Follow these steps to get to that view: 

1. Click "Performance" in the Navigation Menu:

2. Click "Chemtrack":

3. Set your Global Filter to the date range that corresponds with your data and select the "Usage Inputs" view.  NOTE: Make sure to click "Apply" to have your changes take affect:

4. When usages have been calculated correctly, there will be a "Green Check" icon in the last two columns marked  "Lbs material" and "Lbs constituent":

5. When the system is unable to complete a successful calculation, the system will indicate this by replacing the "Green Check" icon with a "Red X" icon: 

6. Click on the "Red X" icon to open the source record.  Fix the missing or incomplete data to correct the error:

7. Once you have made your updates, click "Save" at the bottom of the form and the required data to produce the usage record will be recalculated!