Automated email alerts are sent directly to the email address listed in the "Responsible Party Email" field of any new Calendar Item or Report. The default behavior for automated email alerts follows the following workflow: The first alert is sent immediately after the item is created/saved. Daily reminders are then sent 7 days prior to the due date, and until the item is marked "Closed". 

In addition to this default behavior, you can customize both the frequency and recipients that the alerts are sent to:

1. Open a Calendar Item or Report form for Editing

2. Select the "Form Configuration" cog shaped icon in the top right corner of the form, or click on the "Send Reminder Emails" icon next to the Responsible Party field


3. Configure email reminder schedules as follows:

4. Click on closed in the bottom left corner of the window, and Congratulations!  You have now successfully configured custom email schedules!