Programming form fields to auto-populate based on a previous answer can be a simple way to ensure you are capturing data as anticipated and save your form submitters the effort of filling out predictable fields.
You can easily add logic to auto-populate fields when specified criteria is met.
1. To incorporate logic into your form, a user must first add all of the fields that will be included in your form. Make sure that any fields where you will auto-populate answers are ordered after the field that triggers the answer.
2. At the bottom of the form click "Save and then select "Save & Keep Working":
3. Next, click the pencil to edit the first field you would like to unhide based on a prior question's answer:
4. Toggle "Add Logic" to On and complete the Logic criteria:
5. Once you have added logic to all of the fields you want to show/hide, click "Save & Exit"
- When pre-populating the answer to a Select Menu, type your answer in the Autofill Content field but ensure that it matches the select menu answer option exactly.
- If using a Facility or Requirement as a determinant question, select menu answer options will not populate in the answer field. You can use a "Facility" or "Requirement" as logic triggers, but you must type the expected answer in the Answer Input: