Once you have set up all of your materials as sources in the system you are ready to input purchase or usage data.
There are two ways to add a Chemical Usage record to the EHS-Dashboard™:
- Add a single record via the Chemical Usage form
- Using the Data importer
If you are adding single record then using the Chemical Usage form would be a good choice. If you have a larger data set, then you should use the data importer tool.
Adding a single record:
1. Click the "Add Data" button in the upper right corner of your screen to begin the wizard:
2. This opens a wizard in the middle of your screen. Click "Metrics":
3. Click "Chemical Data":
4. Complete the form and be sure to click "Save" before exiting:
Importing a Data Set:
1. First make sure that your Chemical Usage file is ready. The spreadsheet you wish to import with your usage data must have the following column headers:
- Category (Options are: Usage, Storage, or Waste)
- Part Number
- Name
- Amount
- Units
- Date of Record
Optional Columns:
- Usage Type (Options are: Manufactured, Processed, Otherwise Used)
- Notes
- Process Line
- % Allocated to Process Line (90% -> 90)
2. Once your spreadsheet is ready to be imported - Click on your company name in the upper right hand corner of the screen:
3. From the Admin screen, Click "Import Data":
4. Click "Upload Document":
5. Use the drop down for "Select a Facility" to select the facility you are uploading data to, then click "Next":
6. Use the dropdown menu for "Select document type" and select "Material Use, Waste, or Storage" then click "Next":
7. Now click "Browse" to locate the file and upload it. Once attached, click "Finish":
8. The next window allows you to review your selections. If everything looks good, click "Upload":
9. Now you just have to match your Excel file column headers to the Database. Follow the steps below:
10. Once you've matched all of your headers, click "Next" and your file will upload!
NOTE: This file will show up in your import history after completion.